A downloadable game

Imagine, for a moment. Instead of the Black Thorn of Truth, another force emerged to face the Sphere.

Eyewitness accounts are few and far between, and it is difficult to parse what is truth and what is simply stories; what is known is that it started at the Rose Kingdom. A bright flash of light, blinding, all encompassing and all knowing, made way for raw, unbridled Reality to flood the world, pouring out over the Sphere. It lasted for just a second, and as quick as it arrived, the light dimmed.

And then the Storm began.

Wizardman: Queer and Chaos RPG - The Storm Age is a Halloween bonus expansion and adventure module, containing an alternative, post-apocalyptic setting in which the Sphere has been destroyed and changed after the fall of the Ochre Palace to Reality. Rather than face the Black Thorn of Truth, there was no war; only defeat. 

The Storm has rocked the Sphere, filling it with unnatural, mutated creatures which stalk the planes and threaten the livelihoods of those who remain in the aftermath. Wizards are unified and prone to infighting, their magical quarrels decimating the little remaining land and fast-advancing the technology of war. The kingdoms have fallen from glory, with a great many nothing more than names left to history. It is a terrible, short existence.

But you might have a chance to change that.

Included with this new alternate setting is the adventure module Into the Ochre, a short dungeon crawling story focused on turning back time to reverse the effects of the Storm - at least, that's what you've been told is the goal. Led by the mysterious Brink Druid Ante Vashriaad, the players will delve into the remnants of the Ochre Palace, facing the Storm at its origin point- and they're willing to give everything to make things right.

This new adventure module also introduces the Integration Point system, an optional mechanic designed to ensure players feel involved and active in the story at hand. By spending Integration Points, players may weave themselves into the tale as they see fit, and create an impact all the much more brutal when it comes toppling down.

Requires Wizardman: Queer and Chaos RPG to play, available for free at https://antescompany.itch.io/wizardman-queer-and-chaos-rpg. Also recommended is Wizardman: Queer and Chaos RPG - To Bleed the Very Soil, containing additional lore and player archetypes which appear throughout The Storm Age, available for free at https://antescompany.itch.io/wizardman-to-bleed-the-very-soil.


Wizardman: Queer and Chaos RPG - The Storm Age 7.8 MB
Wizardman: Queer and Chaos RPG Character Sheet 1.4 MB

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